school visits


Yes, I do school visits!

A few very important notes before proceeding:

-I have a full-time job and I require ample notice so that I can take time off from work.

-I’m available for in-person and virtual visits.

-For in-person visits, I live in Toronto and do not drive, so I’m bound to where our many forms of public transit can take me. That said, if you are located outside the GTA and have a budget for travel, I’m willing and able!

If you’re still inteREsted, let’s talk:

-I can present to large and small groups of students and tailor my presentations to fit every grade(s) from Pre-K to high school!

-Presentations for younger readers tend to include a presentation on how books are made; the writing process; readings from two of my books, plus time for Q&As.

-Presentations for older readers typically include all of the above, but we’ll get into the weeds about what it means to write and publish a book.

-I’m also happy to present to adults!